Cause-Celebrity Connections

Ansel Adams joined the California Attorney General to promote resources and coastline protection.

James Avery and Maria Conchita Alonso star in TV PSAs to recruit new teachers.

Big Mountain (“Baby, I Love Your Way”) performed for 50,000 people at California's Earth Day Conservation Fair '97 in Sacramento.

Manute Bol (7'-6") and Muggsy Bogues (5'-2") (Washington Bullets) — the NBA’s tallest and shortest players — and the U.S. Department of Education told D.C. kids to “Make peer pressure a challenge, not an excuse.”

LeVar Burton hosted a National School Safety Center video to help high-risk youth.

Gordon Clapp is spokesperson for the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation “Dollars for Scholars” program.

Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman were featured in award-winning TV PSAs to promote recycling.

The Walt Disney Company animated Recycle Rex for Keep California Beautiful's youth outreach program.

Dorothy Hamill promoted recycling at her Ice Capades shows.

John Javna (50 Simple Things You Can Do To Save The Earth) featured his new Volunteer’s Handbook (with an introduction by Gen. Colin Powell) at the Presidents’ Summit for America’s Future in April 1997.

Edward James Olmos hosts the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence’s violence prevention film.

William “Refrigerator” Perry (Chicago Bears) and the U.S. Department of Justice warned Chicago school kids that “Bullying is uncool.”

Mitch Richmond (NBA All-Star and USA Olympic Dream Team) promotes recycling in award-winning TV PSAs and in live appearances.

Mickey Rooney is spokesperson for senior health and safety support services.

Steven Seagal hosted California’s Earth Day Conservation Fair ’95 in Sacramento.

Alan Thicke hosted California’s Earth Day Conservation Fair ’96 and ’97 in Sacramento.

Dave Winfield (New York Yankees) and the U.S. Department of Education warned “Educating minors is a major league concern” in a series of nationally-placed PSAs.

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